The KoggeStone has low logic depth, high node count, and minimal fan out. While a high node count implies a larger area, the low logic depth and minimal fanout allow faster performance
There are mainly three computational stages in KoggeStone Adder. They are:
1. Preprocessing
2. Carry generation network
3. Post processing
Preprocessing Stage:
Preprocessing is the first stage where the generate and propagate signals of all the input pairs of signals A and B are generated separately for each bit. The logical equations of the propagate and generate signals are given by the following equations:
Pi= Aix or Bi ...(1)
Gi= Aiand Bi ...(2)
Carry Generation Stage:
Carry generation is the second stage of the KSA. At this stage the carries of all the bits are generated separately for each bit. They are divided into smaller pieces and this overall process is carried out in parallel for all the bits. Carry generate and Carry propagate bits are used as intermediate signals and their logical
equations are given as follows:
CPi:j =Pi:k + 1 and Pk:j ...(3)
CGi:j =Gi:k + 1 or (Pi:k + 1 and Gk:j)...(4)
Post Processing Stage:
This is the final step or stage of the KSA which is common for all types of adders, i.e.,calculation of summation of the bits given by the logical Equations (5) and (6):
Ci–1 = (Pi and Cin) or Gi ...(5)
Si= Pix or Ci–1 ...(6)
Schematic of the 4 Bit KoggeStone Adder:
4 Bit KoggeStone Adder Verilog code:
module ksa4(input [3:0]a,
input [3:0]b,
input cin,
output [3:0]sum,
output carryout
wire [3:0] p,g,cp,cg,ccg,ccp,c;
assign p=a^b;
assign g=a&b;
assign cg[0]=(g[0]);
assign cp[0]=(p[0]);
assign cg[1]=(p[1]&g[0])|g[1];
assign cp[1]=(p[1]&p[0]);
assign cg[2]=(p[2]&g[1])|g[2];
assign cp[2]=p[2]&p[1];
assign cg[3]=(p[3]&g[2])|g[3];
assign cp[3]=p[3]&p[2];
assign ccg[0]=cg[0];
assign ccp[0]=cp[0];
assign ccg[1]=cg[1];
assign ccp[1]=cp[1];
assign ccg[2]=(cp[2]&cg[0])|cg[2];
assign ccp[2]=cp[2]&cp[0];
assign ccg[3]=(cp[3]&cg[1])|cg[3];
assign ccp[3]=cp[3]&cp[1];
assign c=ccg;
assign sum[0]=p[0]^cin;
assign sum[1]=p[1]^c[0];
assign sum[2]=p[2]^c[1];
assign sum[3]=p[3]^c[2];
assign carryout=c[3];